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Contact Us


Check out our discontinued products section here.

Our skin care products include oat, soy, feverfew, blackberry and zinc oxide. We carefully cultivate our natural ingredients in ideal conditions, then harvest them in an eco-friendly way.

Our activation process keeps the goodness of nature without excess heat or unnecessary chemical solvents. That means our natural ingredients are pure and potent.

Finally, we balance our formulas and put them to the test. Through extensive clinicals, we get proof that each one re-balances skin, so it looks visibly healthier and resilient over time.

Some Aveeno products expire, while others do not. Expiration is dependent on the ingredients within each product. If an Aveeno product does expire, that expiration date can be found on the bottom, shoulder, or back of the bottle/jar, or crimp of the tube. For additional questions/concerns, feel free to contact us at 1-866-4AVEENO.

We want you to feel good about how we make Aveeno® products. You can only do that if you have the facts. The fact is, Aveeno® doesn't conduct animal testing of our cosmetic products anywhere in the world, except in the rare situation where governments or laws require it. At Aveeno®, we won't ever compromise on the quality or safety of our products or stop seeking alternatives to animal testing.

Oats do not naturally contain gluten and are not related to gluten-containing grains such as wheat, barley and rye. Gluten is not added to the oats used to make Aveeno® products and our oats are processed on equipment that is dedicated only to oat milling to mitigate the risk of cross-contamination with any other gluten-containing grains. However, although we do everything in our power to ensure the oats remain gluten-free, we cannot say with absolute certainty that cross-contamination did not occur during the manufacturing process. We recommend that consumers speak with their physician if they have specific sensitivity concerns.


For comments, questions, and feedback about our products, please email us. Please note: our response time to emails is typically between 48-72 hours.


For Content Creators:

Please note we and our agency partners will NOT:

1) Reach out to you via a non-company specific or commercial email address, such as, or;

2) Ask you for your personal financial information until you have completed the creator contracting process.

If in doubt about the legitimacy of an email or solicitation you have received, please reach out to us directly via email or phone.


For an immediate response or to report an adverse event or a side effect from our products, please call us.

M-F 9:00am to 5:30pm EST.

1-866-4AVEENO (1-866-428-3366)

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