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Tenille Moon x The Startup Collective By Aveeno®

Tenille is an accounting and financial expert serving as CEO of MoonAdvisory, which provide CFO, Tax & Business Advisory services.

Tenille Moon

Growing up in a developing country, I knew nothing about building wealth, but as a young girl, I’ve always had a love for numbers.

In highschool, another student suggested that I become an accountant. After doing some research, it resonated with me and I became highly interested in the idea - even though I had no clue what the work was going to look like.

After highschool, I went from learning accounting from the PRIVATE industry side and then switched to the PUBLIC industry side. Private industry accounting allowed me to understand how to run a business inside out while the public industry allowed me to learn how all these numbers would be reviewed by the IRS and CPA firms.

With this information, I learned how to help small businesses max out how to run the ins and outs of their companies.I also helped them understand what CPAs and the IRS would be looking for so that they can make educated decisions from the beginning and not deal with consequences on the back end.

This is why now as a CFO, I take so much interest in my clients’ goals and dreams. My company is built around educating my clients and always keeping their goals in mind.

I also learned that I wasn’t in love with just numbers, I was in love with helping women who look like me become financially educated so they could build wealth and create legacies that they can pass down to their children.

I get excited about empowering the Black entrepreneurial community because we’ve only been exposed to so much and it’s been extremely limiting. To be honest, as of late, it’s been as a result of social media that our community has been learning more about starting a business, accounting, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

With all the online content nowadays, it’s taken the fear out of starting a business and going after your dream.

Moon Advisory has been participating in the social media community by educating on taxes, business ownership, understanding how to master cash flow, reading a financial statement, and also speaking at community colleges to help educate our community.

What I’ve learned from working with entrepreneurs as their accountant is that most people starting a business need funding. But finding investors can be really tough! You need a strong business plan, proof of concept and access to the right network of people.

One of the easiest ways to guarantee or set yourself up for success in entrepreneurship is being provided with a successful blueprint. This could be in the form of mentorship, coaching calls or even a physical outline.

For the past 3 years, The Startup Collective by Aveeno® contest has provided just that. The Startup Collective by Aveeno® contest was designed to empower Black female-identifying entrepreneurs in the beauty industry. While funding is major - it’s also important to know what to do with the funds. Which is why I’m so happy to know that the one winner and runner-up will also receive mentorship opportunities from Aveeno® leaders.

Opportunities like these grants not only help support Black female-identifying entrepreneurs in the beauty industry, they also help to close the gap for women of color who are seeking quality skin and hair products that are made for us, by us.

One thing I’ve learned that is so important for women in entrepreneurship is the ability to commit to a morning and night routine. Aveeno® products have contributed to both of my routines and help me start and end my day feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

All in all, I am so honored to be a part of the path The Startup Collective by Aveeno® is creating to help support our black entrepreneurs! Help do your part, by spreading the word!