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Stress-Free School Morning Routine Checklist for Kids 3–8 Years Old

Raising young kids can be a joyful but hectic experience, especially during the school week. Mornings can feel like a race against the clock trying to get little ones dressed, fed, and out the door on time. Whether your child is a toddler just starting preschool or a second grader already in the swing of things, a morning routine checklist can be a lifesaver. Here are some tips to make things smoother for everyone.

How To Make School Mornings Easier for You and Your Kid(s)

Everyone, including adults, benefits from an established routine.1 For kids, the predictability of their daily activities helps them feel more confident and secure. A consistent morning routine list sets a productive tone for the day, with the added benefit of helping children develop essential time management skills.

The first step? Set your own schedule. This creates a positive example for your little ones and ensures you're organized and ready to help. For example, getting up before the kids gives you space to get dressed, have your morning coffee, or any other rituals that help you get in the right headspace to take on the day.

Young kids, especially those aged 3-5, need extra attention in the morning as they require assistance with getting ready and have just spent the night alone. Spending just five minutes giving your child your undivided attention2 before diving into your morning routine can make them feel valued and set a positive tone.

The way you wake up your kids also sets the mood for the morning. If you're running behind and frantically shake your child awake, they may feel overwhelmed. Establishing that morning checklist for yourself ensures that you can create a calm environment for the whole family.

A Morning Routine for Kids To Follow

A visual morning routine chart is a helpful tool for kids to learn a new regimen. For children 5 and under, use pictures of the tasks they must accomplish. For children aged 6-8, consider using both words and pictures as they are learning to read.

Here’s a sample daily routine for kids to try:

Children's Routine for School Mornings:

  • Get out of bed

  • Use the bathroom

  • Wash hands and face

  • Make the bed

  • Get dressed

  • Make and eat breakfast

  • Brush/style hair (older kids may want to take the lead here)

  • Brush teeth

  • Put shoes on

  • Grab backpack and lunch box

  • Head out the door

Additional Tips for Success

Allow plenty of time: Many kids hate to rush and prefer to move at their own pace. Allowing 45 minutes to 1 hour should provide ample time for young children to practice being more independent while staying on schedule.

Use a timer: An age-appropriate timer can help keep children on task and prevent them from getting distracted. For older children, it can also encourage them to practice telling the time.

Avoid technology in the mornings: Tablets and TVs are a giant distraction trap for kids and parents alike.3,4 Make it out the door on time by avoiding them.

Encourage ownership of routine tasks: It can be challenging to watch younger kids struggle with tasks like putting on their pants, but letting them gain independence will benefit them in other areas of life. For older children, get their input about the order in which they want to do the morning routine. They may go through it faster if they do the tasks in the order they prefer, and it helps them feel like a valued family member.5

Make School Mornings Even More Stress-Free

Daily schedules for kids aren’t just a lifesaver in the mornings! Establish a school night routine to ensure adequate sleep and save time the next day. For example, make breakfast and lunches the night before, and set up a “launch station” near the door with all the kids' items — shoes, backpack, coat, lunch box — to avoid a morning scramble.

This helps keep you calm and prevents stress from affecting your kids.

Practicing your new morning routine on the weekend can also be beneficial. Go through each step with your children and consider making it fun by adding little prizes, which can help them understand and enjoy the process.

Above all, remember that consistency and patience are crucial. It may take some time for the new routine to become second nature, but the effort will pay off. Stay positive and supportive, and your kids will thrive in their new schedule.


  1. MacPhee D, Lunkenheimer E, Riggs N. Resilience as Regulation of Developmental and Family Processes. Fam Relat. 2015;64(1):153-175. doi:10.1111/fare.12100.,

  2. Child Guidance Resource Centers. The Power of Play: How 5 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Parent-Child Relationship. Published 2020. Accessed February 6, 2025.

  3. Hadlington L, White H, Curtis S. "I cannot live without my [tablet]": Children's experiences of using tablet technology within the home. Computers in Human Behavior. 2019;94:19-24. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2018.12.043.

  4. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Learning Center Digital Distractions. Published 2018. Accessed February 6, 2025.

  5. Child Development Institute. Let Them Shine! Promoting Independence through Age-Appropriate Tasks and Routines. Published 2023. Accessed February 6, 2025.

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